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Mandy & Trisha live with the following dogs in their home in Signal Mountain, TN.

What can be said about Mila? She took RokiShoals to new heights with her Best in Specialty win at just 18 months old at the Trinity Valley Regional Specialty. Likewise, she was our first Bronze Grand Champion. She is a beautiful, substantial and sound girl with strong bone and an equally strong personality! Nicknamed "The Monster" for good reason, Mila is a girl who knows what she wants and how to get it. Silly, demanding, and endearing, Mila keeps everyone on their toes and in line. She loves to be told "you're in charge" when Mandy leaves the house. Mother to Zara and half-sister to Koza, she took up the reins of matriarch from her beloved mother Siri.    

Zara is the lover of the bunch. Exceedingly affectionate and snuggly, she is a willing worker as long as she is paid in love. She is a gorgeous girl with an elegant, flowing gait, luxurious coat and a sweet, beseeching expression. As much as she loves to cuddle, she is an athlete and loves to hunt and frolic. Zara finished her championship at under a year old and brought home some big wins for Team RokiShoals- including Winners' Bitch for a huge 5 point major, Best Bred by Exhibitor and Rhodesian Ridgeback Puppy of the Year at just 8 months old at the AKC Royal Canin National Championship

Baby Ruka is an outstanding puppy we kept from the second Koza/Willow litter. She is almost a replica of her big sister Pippa, with a graceful, flowing outline and long, elegant neck. She's rambunctious and playful (as puppies can be) and seems to be as athletic and tomboyish as big sis. She has an adorable face and loves all people and animals. We're looking forward to seeing what the future holds for this girl! 

Koza is Mandy's heart dog. The last puppy born in the incomparable Siri's first litter, Koza made an impression from day one. Koza embodies the strong, sound, calm and watchful traits that define the Rhodesian Ridgeback. He has been a wonderful producer for RokiShoals, passing along his considerable bone, substance, clean movement, well-arched feet and many other positive qualities. He is a thoughtful and contemplative dog, with strong bonds to his family members. Koza finished his championship and Grand championship in a snap and enjoyed being in the show ring. He has a calming presence and is the tranquil and pensive backbone of his pack.    

Sabu - RokiShoals Peaceful Revolution

The eldest member of Mandy's pack and brother to both RubberBandBabyB and Siri, Sabu has never outgrown his puppyish antics. A goofball through and through, he is "Mr. Personality" and enjoys being the center of attention. Though he was never shown due to an injury as a young dog, Sabu still has important responsibilities- he enjoys helping to raise puppies and is often "the monkey in the middle" between the girls. Loveable and exuberant in all things, Sabu enjoys a good cuddle and can usually be found sunbathing or curled up someplace warm and fluffy. 

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© 2024 All photos by Denise Ivie Price unless noted

© 2024 by RokiShoals Rhodesian Ridgebacks

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